
The Action Learning (AL) master course at the Universitat Politècnica de València endorses during 3 months the collaboration of the students and professors with community leaders from the vulnerable district of Orriols. By combining the diverse backgrounds of the students and the community leaders, it fosters a deeper and collaborative understanding of complex societal issues of the district. Through systems thinking and design thinking tools, they diagnose the context, envision a desired future, and take action to realize it in a transformative and creative way. It creates a bidirectional learning environment, engaging with real-world challenges and breaking down barriers between the university and the local community. This transformative learning experience is underpinned by a commitment to just transitions, emphasizing procedural, recognition, and epistemic justice. By embracing these principles, the course empowers participants to contribute to positive change in their communities and fosters a more inclusive, sustainable city and university.


action learning; transitions; design thinking; community engagement; transdisciplinary learning

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Design and Transdisciplinary Learning in Community-University Collaborations for a Just Transition: The Case of the Action Learning Course in Valencia, Spain

The Action Learning (AL) master course at the Universitat Politècnica de València endorses during 3 months the collaboration of the students and professors with community leaders from the vulnerable district of Orriols. By combining the diverse backgrounds of the students and the community leaders, it fosters a deeper and collaborative understanding of complex societal issues of the district. Through systems thinking and design thinking tools, they diagnose the context, envision a desired future, and take action to realize it in a transformative and creative way. It creates a bidirectional learning environment, engaging with real-world challenges and breaking down barriers between the university and the local community. This transformative learning experience is underpinned by a commitment to just transitions, emphasizing procedural, recognition, and epistemic justice. By embracing these principles, the course empowers participants to contribute to positive change in their communities and fosters a more inclusive, sustainable city and university.


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