
This paper explores current approaches to customer-centric experiential strate-gies in a luxury fashion context, through an analysis of two UK luxury retailer case studies: Anya Hindmarch and MatchesFashion. While earlier studies have shown the importance of the physical luxury store, emphasis on customer experience (CX) and aspects related to service interactions that lead to pleasurable experi-ences remain nascent. Underpinned by interrelated theoretical constructs – cus-tomer experience, store atmospherics and retail design – and taking an explora-tory, qualitative approach (including documents, expert interviews and store ob-servation), the research promulgates the dimensions comprising customer-centric physical store experiences in luxury fashion. In doing so, it is the first known study to offer a conceptual framework to advance scholarly and practi-tioner luxury customer experience research.


customer-centric store; experiential retailing; luxury; fashion

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Customer-Centric Luxury Fashion Store Experiences: A Case Study Approach

This paper explores current approaches to customer-centric experiential strate-gies in a luxury fashion context, through an analysis of two UK luxury retailer case studies: Anya Hindmarch and MatchesFashion. While earlier studies have shown the importance of the physical luxury store, emphasis on customer experience (CX) and aspects related to service interactions that lead to pleasurable experi-ences remain nascent. Underpinned by interrelated theoretical constructs – cus-tomer experience, store atmospherics and retail design – and taking an explora-tory, qualitative approach (including documents, expert interviews and store ob-servation), the research promulgates the dimensions comprising customer-centric physical store experiences in luxury fashion. In doing so, it is the first known study to offer a conceptual framework to advance scholarly and practi-tioner luxury customer experience research.


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