
Reflection is a core element of our everyday lives for higher self-insight and better well-being. Guided conversation is one of the methods that supports reflective thinking. The increasing abilities of conversational agent systems make them potential reflection partners for the future. Home is suitable for engaging in reflective conversations with conversational agents on daily experiences since it provides a private space. We explore the user expectations and design considerations for reflection with conversational agents through a mixed-method approach with design/HCI researchers. We first explored a psychology-based reflection approach with a diary study. Then, we designed a future-oriented methodology, adapted our findings into a scenario script for a VR experience, and used it in a workshop to gather insights on using domestic agents for reflection. This paper presents user insights and design suggestions for domestic conversational agents for reflection and reflections on using a VR prototype for future-oriented research.


self-reflection; reflective conversation; conversational agents; virtual reality

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Exploring the design opportunities for conversational agents as reflection partners in domestic environments

Reflection is a core element of our everyday lives for higher self-insight and better well-being. Guided conversation is one of the methods that supports reflective thinking. The increasing abilities of conversational agent systems make them potential reflection partners for the future. Home is suitable for engaging in reflective conversations with conversational agents on daily experiences since it provides a private space. We explore the user expectations and design considerations for reflection with conversational agents through a mixed-method approach with design/HCI researchers. We first explored a psychology-based reflection approach with a diary study. Then, we designed a future-oriented methodology, adapted our findings into a scenario script for a VR experience, and used it in a workshop to gather insights on using domestic agents for reflection. This paper presents user insights and design suggestions for domestic conversational agents for reflection and reflections on using a VR prototype for future-oriented research.


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