
The global call for transformation towards a more just, sustainable and pluriverse world has also materialised within the design field, asking for new design practices that embrace open-ended and relational processes. Several approaches emerged over the last decades, built on different values, and investigating ontological, epistemological, ethical, and practical dimensions. In this pictorial, I explore what these new practices can be and do, through embarking on a drawing-philosophy correspondence journey. This pictorial shows my three-year quest to explore the role of drawing for researching design for societal transformation. By visually researching philosophical concepts such as correspondence, commoning, minor key, and human-technology-world relationships, this work aims to contribute to design-philosophy correspondence, by imagining, questioning, and researching philosophical concepts underlying alternative socio-material practices, and through this support the transformation of the everyday sociomaterial practices of organisation that are addressing the grand societal challenges.


research through drawing; drawing towards societal transformation; non-discursive philosophy; pictorial

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Drawing-philosophy correspondence: Towards transforming from within

The global call for transformation towards a more just, sustainable and pluriverse world has also materialised within the design field, asking for new design practices that embrace open-ended and relational processes. Several approaches emerged over the last decades, built on different values, and investigating ontological, epistemological, ethical, and practical dimensions. In this pictorial, I explore what these new practices can be and do, through embarking on a drawing-philosophy correspondence journey. This pictorial shows my three-year quest to explore the role of drawing for researching design for societal transformation. By visually researching philosophical concepts such as correspondence, commoning, minor key, and human-technology-world relationships, this work aims to contribute to design-philosophy correspondence, by imagining, questioning, and researching philosophical concepts underlying alternative socio-material practices, and through this support the transformation of the everyday sociomaterial practices of organisation that are addressing the grand societal challenges.


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