
Coastliners Lab is a trans-media critical mapping practice that focuses on the border conditions of bodies of water and how they shape socio-material processes of human and environmental relations in urban and extra-urban settings. The lab works with a deep cartographic layering of aerial photographs, historical maps, news reports, video footage, field notes, interviews, and more to explore embodied map-making methods that define new roles for design toward spatial justice. It highlights agencies and political ecologies underlying the contested anthropogenic impacts on the margins of transforming landscapes. Istanbul’s political and ecological struggles with the surrounding bodies of water have been the birthplace of the lab. This paper will introduce the initial context of Istanbul, theories, cartographic experiments, and ongoing practices of the Lab to discuss emergent mapping methodologies as a design medium to engage with spatial justice.


critical cartography; embodied mapping; political ecology; coastal space

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Coastliners Lab: Mapping for Environmental Spatial Justice at the Water’s Edge

Coastliners Lab is a trans-media critical mapping practice that focuses on the border conditions of bodies of water and how they shape socio-material processes of human and environmental relations in urban and extra-urban settings. The lab works with a deep cartographic layering of aerial photographs, historical maps, news reports, video footage, field notes, interviews, and more to explore embodied map-making methods that define new roles for design toward spatial justice. It highlights agencies and political ecologies underlying the contested anthropogenic impacts on the margins of transforming landscapes. Istanbul’s political and ecological struggles with the surrounding bodies of water have been the birthplace of the lab. This paper will introduce the initial context of Istanbul, theories, cartographic experiments, and ongoing practices of the Lab to discuss emergent mapping methodologies as a design medium to engage with spatial justice.


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