
Intellectual disability (ID) affects approximately 1% of the global population, repre-senting diverse support needs. Sheltered workshops in Hong Kong, as elsewhere, aim to maximise the potential of individuals with ID (trainees), acknowledging their equal rights to be full members of the community, though their needs are often overlooked in design research, and space constraints pose developmental challeng-es. This study conducts case analyses of sheltered workshops in Hong Kong and globally, focusing on spatial layouts, interior design, and developmental goals. User personas provide insights into the experiences of trainees and supervisors. This re-search proposes a comprehensive framework featuring 3 aspects that contain 13 critical design variables for designing inclusive interior environments for sheltered workshops, emphasizing mixed-use spaces and adaptable furniture for flexible utili-ty in confined spaces. This framework guides the creation of inclusive, supportive environments for shelter workshops that respect and harness the unique abilities of trainees with special needs.


inclusive design; sheltered workshop; empower; spatial design; care

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Empowering Through Design: Designing Inclusive Sheltered Workshop Environments for Trainees with Special Needs in Hong Kong

Intellectual disability (ID) affects approximately 1% of the global population, repre-senting diverse support needs. Sheltered workshops in Hong Kong, as elsewhere, aim to maximise the potential of individuals with ID (trainees), acknowledging their equal rights to be full members of the community, though their needs are often overlooked in design research, and space constraints pose developmental challeng-es. This study conducts case analyses of sheltered workshops in Hong Kong and globally, focusing on spatial layouts, interior design, and developmental goals. User personas provide insights into the experiences of trainees and supervisors. This re-search proposes a comprehensive framework featuring 3 aspects that contain 13 critical design variables for designing inclusive interior environments for sheltered workshops, emphasizing mixed-use spaces and adaptable furniture for flexible utili-ty in confined spaces. This framework guides the creation of inclusive, supportive environments for shelter workshops that respect and harness the unique abilities of trainees with special needs.


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