
Amidst the challenges of our time, characterized by pervasive uncertainty and global crises, despair often overshadows hope. Within the context of design-driven futuring, where long-term futures and possibilities are envisioned and shaped, the absence of hope can leave designers feeling powerless and doubting the impact of their work on a predetermined world. Yet, hope is a human experience that can be nurtured. This research explores the inner world of design students, addressing their emotions, thoughts, and perceptions. We conducted design experiments in Master's programs in Denmark and Italy, adopting a contemplative approach during design-driven futuring processes. Contemplative practices, known for fostering inner transformation, have shown positive effects on emotional and cognitive states in various fields. However, their potential in design remains largely unexplored. This study aims to illuminate how contemplative approaches can cultivate hope and empower designers in the face of today’s challenges.


design-driven futuring; contemplative approaches; hope

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Using contemplative approaches in education as a pathway to cultivating hope in design-driven futuring

Amidst the challenges of our time, characterized by pervasive uncertainty and global crises, despair often overshadows hope. Within the context of design-driven futuring, where long-term futures and possibilities are envisioned and shaped, the absence of hope can leave designers feeling powerless and doubting the impact of their work on a predetermined world. Yet, hope is a human experience that can be nurtured. This research explores the inner world of design students, addressing their emotions, thoughts, and perceptions. We conducted design experiments in Master's programs in Denmark and Italy, adopting a contemplative approach during design-driven futuring processes. Contemplative practices, known for fostering inner transformation, have shown positive effects on emotional and cognitive states in various fields. However, their potential in design remains largely unexplored. This study aims to illuminate how contemplative approaches can cultivate hope and empower designers in the face of today’s challenges.


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