
In this paper, the former lead designer of the New European Bauhaus Unit at the European Commission offers a retrospective on how design has helped to shape the initiative, from the definition of its visual identity, through the development of the co-design phase, to the establishment of the New European Bauhaus Prizes, the Community and the NEB Lab.


new european bauhaus; design for policy; management in complexity

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Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

New European Bauhaus: A designer's retrospective.

In this paper, the former lead designer of the New European Bauhaus Unit at the European Commission offers a retrospective on how design has helped to shape the initiative, from the definition of its visual identity, through the development of the co-design phase, to the establishment of the New European Bauhaus Prizes, the Community and the NEB Lab.


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