
With the development of digital technology, it has become common to use modern computing and interactive technologies to enhance communication between people, physical spaces and digital information. Most museums are also beginning to apply the new technology of the day to improve the experience of the visitors. The relationship between museum collections and the audiences they serve has been reshaped through design. Design has become a key tool in the museum and cultural heritage sector with the advent of the digital age. This review summarises three trends in exhibition design in the digital age through a combing of the literature: multi-sensory, immersive and non-linear narratives. It also extracts from the literature the frameworks of exhibition design in the digital age: the exploratory framework and the application framework. And presents the research trends under the framework.


museum digitalization; design; visitors; review

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track



Oct 9th, 9:00 AM

Review: design reshape the relationship between museum collections and visitors in digital age

With the development of digital technology, it has become common to use modern computing and interactive technologies to enhance communication between people, physical spaces and digital information. Most museums are also beginning to apply the new technology of the day to improve the experience of the visitors. The relationship between museum collections and the audiences they serve has been reshaped through design. Design has become a key tool in the museum and cultural heritage sector with the advent of the digital age. This review summarises three trends in exhibition design in the digital age through a combing of the literature: multi-sensory, immersive and non-linear narratives. It also extracts from the literature the frameworks of exhibition design in the digital age: the exploratory framework and the application framework. And presents the research trends under the framework.


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