
Collaborations between Design and Mental disabilities organizations have the capacity to develop new intervention methodologies responding to the limitations of the intellectual development disorder in different contexts. The progressive integration capacity of design in organizations, seeks to analyse the degrees of its influence on intervention and implementation of a collaborative creation process. Creative methodologies in the social innovation sector, specifically in direct action with users, encourage and enable the development of new techniques resulting in potential innovative activities and products with a view to increase efficiency in the execution of tasks or obtain information on the impact on the user’s quality of life. This cross-sector partnership allowed to unveil potential reformulations to multidisciplinary practices among the technical specialists already integrated in the organizations with the designers as well as organizational procedures currently applied.


Social Innovation, Codesign, Public Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track



Oct 9th, 9:00 AM

Rediscovering Mental Health intervention methodologies through Design.

Collaborations between Design and Mental disabilities organizations have the capacity to develop new intervention methodologies responding to the limitations of the intellectual development disorder in different contexts. The progressive integration capacity of design in organizations, seeks to analyse the degrees of its influence on intervention and implementation of a collaborative creation process. Creative methodologies in the social innovation sector, specifically in direct action with users, encourage and enable the development of new techniques resulting in potential innovative activities and products with a view to increase efficiency in the execution of tasks or obtain information on the impact on the user’s quality of life. This cross-sector partnership allowed to unveil potential reformulations to multidisciplinary practices among the technical specialists already integrated in the organizations with the designers as well as organizational procedures currently applied.


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