Recent years have shown a remarkable advancement in making neural technologies accessible, transcending the confines of clinical settings, with companies introducing neural hardware once limited to specialized environments. Concurrently, scientific research has made significant strides in demonstrating the effectiveness of neurofeedback as a closed-loop system, enabling individuals to regulate neural signals consciously. While studies focus on individual-based learning, emerging evidence suggests that NF can facilitate neural synchronicity among multiple individuals. To optimize NF and achieve favorable neuro-behavioral outcomes, recent investigations propose integration of immersive interfaces that provide a holistic and meaningful learning experience. However, a disconnect between scientists and designers has often impeded such developments. This paper presents a collaborative effort to bridge the interdisciplinary gap to create an immersive, multisensory NF interface that aims to foster social learning, connectedness and enhance empathy. The design and evaluation process of the novel interface highlights potential contributions to neurofeedback and social cognition.
Immersive experience, BCI, EEG, behavioral design, social neuroscience, interaction design, multidiciplinary
Schattner, Y., Zamir, Y., Siton, N., Kimel, K., Zecharia, N.,and Goldway, N.(2023) Sync: Novel BCI design for neural synchrony, connectedness, and empathy, in De Sainz Molestina, D., Galluzzo, L., Rizzo, F., Spallazzo, D. (eds.), IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design, 9-13 October, Milan, Italy. https://doi.org/10.21606/iasdr.2023.820
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Sync: Novel BCI design for neural synchrony, connectedness, and empathy
Recent years have shown a remarkable advancement in making neural technologies accessible, transcending the confines of clinical settings, with companies introducing neural hardware once limited to specialized environments. Concurrently, scientific research has made significant strides in demonstrating the effectiveness of neurofeedback as a closed-loop system, enabling individuals to regulate neural signals consciously. While studies focus on individual-based learning, emerging evidence suggests that NF can facilitate neural synchronicity among multiple individuals. To optimize NF and achieve favorable neuro-behavioral outcomes, recent investigations propose integration of immersive interfaces that provide a holistic and meaningful learning experience. However, a disconnect between scientists and designers has often impeded such developments. This paper presents a collaborative effort to bridge the interdisciplinary gap to create an immersive, multisensory NF interface that aims to foster social learning, connectedness and enhance empathy. The design and evaluation process of the novel interface highlights potential contributions to neurofeedback and social cognition.