
6G-enabled technologies are set to become an integral part of the infrastructure within the next decade. This paper provides a speculative design-based approach to shape future technology development. We do this by leveraging current technologies to simulate future network capabilities. Specifically, we focus on how the 6G network could transform mobility in Japan. We begin with an overview of the country’s societal macro trends, the current state of technologies, and the expected novel capabilities of 6G. We then introduce four scenarios, used as the basis for developing two types of outcomes. These include physical prototypes to simulate novel interactions enabled by 6G and an archive of fictional objects, or props, from this future world. Through these outcomes, we aim to foster a more society-centred approach to technology development and spark a comprehensive conversation about the impact and opportunities that come from the adoption of such technologies.


6G, Speculative Design, Mobility, Interaction Design

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track



Oct 9th, 9:00 AM

The future archives: a speculative approach for visualising the impacts of 6G-enabled infrastructure in Japan

6G-enabled technologies are set to become an integral part of the infrastructure within the next decade. This paper provides a speculative design-based approach to shape future technology development. We do this by leveraging current technologies to simulate future network capabilities. Specifically, we focus on how the 6G network could transform mobility in Japan. We begin with an overview of the country’s societal macro trends, the current state of technologies, and the expected novel capabilities of 6G. We then introduce four scenarios, used as the basis for developing two types of outcomes. These include physical prototypes to simulate novel interactions enabled by 6G and an archive of fictional objects, or props, from this future world. Through these outcomes, we aim to foster a more society-centred approach to technology development and spark a comprehensive conversation about the impact and opportunities that come from the adoption of such technologies.


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