How does a human have a natural interactive feeling in the virtual space as the same or more as in the real world? For the expanding interaction in the virtual space which is the more important axis of evaluation between “I” as subject-oriented and “target” as object-oriented? The present research gives an insight into the role of self-consciousness in embodied cognition, the ability to recognize an object's physical location as well as the physical relationships between objects with a focus on the evaluation axes between the subject and object. The results show that self-consciousness types and oriented evaluation axis influence interactive feeling. The findings from the results suggest that self-consciousness is a powerful factor for expanding interaction in the virtual space, and provides an insight into the meaning of embodied cognition for expanding interaction and cognitive enhancement not only in virtual space but also in the real world.
Visual-spatial Perception, Embodied Cognition, Virtual Reality
Cho, Y.(2023) Design for expanding interaction and cognitive enhancement in virtual reality, in De Sainz Molestina, D., Galluzzo, L., Rizzo, F., Spallazzo, D. (eds.), IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design, 9-13 October, Milan, Italy. https://doi.org/10.21606/iasdr.2023.866
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Design for expanding interaction and cognitive enhancement in virtual reality
How does a human have a natural interactive feeling in the virtual space as the same or more as in the real world? For the expanding interaction in the virtual space which is the more important axis of evaluation between “I” as subject-oriented and “target” as object-oriented? The present research gives an insight into the role of self-consciousness in embodied cognition, the ability to recognize an object's physical location as well as the physical relationships between objects with a focus on the evaluation axes between the subject and object. The results show that self-consciousness types and oriented evaluation axis influence interactive feeling. The findings from the results suggest that self-consciousness is a powerful factor for expanding interaction in the virtual space, and provides an insight into the meaning of embodied cognition for expanding interaction and cognitive enhancement not only in virtual space but also in the real world.