
Service design (SD) has been used into variety of projects such as policy making and marketing innovation. In this work, we present SD as a sustainable strategy to assist decision making within organization requiring that designers and staffs are co-working. Incorporating a perspective focused on how the user’s need is understood by increasing satisfaction to improve the quality of service process, will help team to better understand how SD can be a holistic tool to re-design the brand image. Methodologies derived from design method are discussed through a case study demonstrates the progressive actions of transforming design insights to practical optimization goals, including methods such as interviews and workshops. The research investigates an opportunity to expand boundaries of SD and the advantages of empathy builds a brand knowledge-sharing platform for stakeholders. We conclude by outlining important challenges and limitations that need to be addressed to advance SD approaches to branding.


Service design; empathy; co-design; re-design

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track



Oct 9th, 9:00 AM

Expanding the boundaries of service design to assist re-design the short-term strategy for sustainable development

Service design (SD) has been used into variety of projects such as policy making and marketing innovation. In this work, we present SD as a sustainable strategy to assist decision making within organization requiring that designers and staffs are co-working. Incorporating a perspective focused on how the user’s need is understood by increasing satisfaction to improve the quality of service process, will help team to better understand how SD can be a holistic tool to re-design the brand image. Methodologies derived from design method are discussed through a case study demonstrates the progressive actions of transforming design insights to practical optimization goals, including methods such as interviews and workshops. The research investigates an opportunity to expand boundaries of SD and the advantages of empathy builds a brand knowledge-sharing platform for stakeholders. We conclude by outlining important challenges and limitations that need to be addressed to advance SD approaches to branding.


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