This paper explores the idea of pedagogic affect in both onsite and online graphic design learning spaces, and speculates on the role that this affect plays in the formation of the design student. I argue that embodied design knowledge is built by interactions with design professionals, activities that mimic the daily work of designers, and practices of display such as student work galleries within design schools. Therefore bodies in motion, and the places they move within, take on more importance in the making-up of a graphic design student than we may expect. This idea has implications for online design learning. This paper crosses both Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and Non-Representational Theory (NRT), and works three instances of affect. The analysis presented here is targeted towards exploring the contribution of affect to teaching in onsite and online learning spaces. As the practices described here carry through time and space to other design schools, this paper has implications for a broad suite of practices in design education Thinking through how affect plays out in the onsite design school points the way towards more vibrant online learning spaces.
Graphic Design, Design, Education, Online Learning, Social Media, Actor-Network Theory, Learning Spaces, Non-Representational Theory, Material-Semiotic, Socio-Material
Nottingham, A.(2013) Feel the Fear: Learning Graphic Design in Affective Places and Online Spaces, in Reitan, J.B., Lloyd, P., Bohemia, E., Nielsen, L.M., Digranes, I., & Lutnæs, E. (eds.), DRS // Cumulus: Design Learning for Tomorrow, 14-17 May, Oslo, Norway. https://doi.org/10.21606/learnxdesign.2013.104
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Feel the Fear: Learning Graphic Design in Affective Places and Online Spaces
This paper explores the idea of pedagogic affect in both onsite and online graphic design learning spaces, and speculates on the role that this affect plays in the formation of the design student. I argue that embodied design knowledge is built by interactions with design professionals, activities that mimic the daily work of designers, and practices of display such as student work galleries within design schools. Therefore bodies in motion, and the places they move within, take on more importance in the making-up of a graphic design student than we may expect. This idea has implications for online design learning. This paper crosses both Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and Non-Representational Theory (NRT), and works three instances of affect. The analysis presented here is targeted towards exploring the contribution of affect to teaching in onsite and online learning spaces. As the practices described here carry through time and space to other design schools, this paper has implications for a broad suite of practices in design education Thinking through how affect plays out in the onsite design school points the way towards more vibrant online learning spaces.