Today, many researchers see nature as an immense resource of inspiration for creativity, enabling engineers and designers to transform knowledge gained from observations -combined with conceptual intentions – into innovation objects. The transfer of technology between natural life forms and synthetic constructs seem increasingly attractive. But what kind of methodology do designers and engineers rely on when transforming a natural phenomenon into an innovation object, using “bionic” principles? This design case investigates some of these design methods.
Skulberg, H.(2009) Sharks With Arms: Exploring the Transformation From Natural Phenomenon to Innovation Object via Applied Bionics., Nordes 2009: Engaging Artifacts, 29 August - 01 September, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.21606/nordes.2009.046
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Sharks With Arms: Exploring the Transformation From Natural Phenomenon to Innovation Object via Applied Bionics
Today, many researchers see nature as an immense resource of inspiration for creativity, enabling engineers and designers to transform knowledge gained from observations -combined with conceptual intentions – into innovation objects. The transfer of technology between natural life forms and synthetic constructs seem increasingly attractive. But what kind of methodology do designers and engineers rely on when transforming a natural phenomenon into an innovation object, using “bionic” principles? This design case investigates some of these design methods.