
Situated within a larger design research project studying the phenomenon of “premature disposal of durable products and increased resource consumption”, my ongoing PhD research investigates ways to explore and develop new perspectives and framings of the practices of secondhand use of durable products amongst teens and young adults (16-27 years) for the mainstream uptake of secondhand marketplaces through interaction and service design proposals. For Nordes’17, I will present an experiential exhibit showcasing a new service proposal, ‘Zygo’ that repositions the secondhand marketplace as a scaffolding to support and connect the youth in the transient, varied and yet complementary phases of their lives and helps them in managing their respective aspirations and needs.

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Exhibition Papers


Jun 15th, 9:00 AM Jun 17th, 5:00 PM

Zygo: Design Led Reframing of Secondhand Marketplaces

Situated within a larger design research project studying the phenomenon of “premature disposal of durable products and increased resource consumption”, my ongoing PhD research investigates ways to explore and develop new perspectives and framings of the practices of secondhand use of durable products amongst teens and young adults (16-27 years) for the mainstream uptake of secondhand marketplaces through interaction and service design proposals. For Nordes’17, I will present an experiential exhibit showcasing a new service proposal, ‘Zygo’ that repositions the secondhand marketplace as a scaffolding to support and connect the youth in the transient, varied and yet complementary phases of their lives and helps them in managing their respective aspirations and needs.


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