In this paper we reflect on the notion of caring with in design research by discussing processes of cultivating and revaluing. Cultivating as a form of caring with other species. Revaluing as a form of caring with unwanted things. Both are addressed as everyday designing, ongoing liminal processes that have regenerative potential to revalue and care for/with dirty matters.
Duque, M.,and Popplow, L.(2019) Caring with Others – Cultivating and revaluing as forms of everyday designing, in Mattelmäki, T., Mazé, R., Miettinen, S. (eds.), Nordes 2019: Who Cares?, 3 - 6 June, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland. https://doi.org/10.21606/nordes.2019.028
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Caring with Others – Cultivating and revaluing as forms of everyday designing
In this paper we reflect on the notion of caring with in design research by discussing processes of cultivating and revaluing. Cultivating as a form of caring with other species. Revaluing as a form of caring with unwanted things. Both are addressed as everyday designing, ongoing liminal processes that have regenerative potential to revalue and care for/with dirty matters.