
Densification, as a sustainable spatial development strategy, is a matter of care that takes place on multiple scales and is related to liveability in a paradoxical way. In this paper we approach this paradox related to densification as a “matter of scales” and work consciously with the tensions which arise when multiple actors act on multiple scales, such as a lack of communication and mistrust. We analyse and discuss how the participatory design approach of “experiential evaluation” supports this conscious approach by giving form to it as a caring platform around a “matter of scale” by connecting the multiple actors across multiple scales and making the tensions between scales constructive. In the discussion, we present the learnings of the design process and the challenges that we encountered.


Participatory design, Urban planning, Experiential evaluation, Caring platform, Matter of scale

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
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Full Papers


Aug 15th, 9:00 AM Aug 18th, 5:00 PM

A matter of scales: Experiential evaluation as a caring platform across scales

Densification, as a sustainable spatial development strategy, is a matter of care that takes place on multiple scales and is related to liveability in a paradoxical way. In this paper we approach this paradox related to densification as a “matter of scales” and work consciously with the tensions which arise when multiple actors act on multiple scales, such as a lack of communication and mistrust. We analyse and discuss how the participatory design approach of “experiential evaluation” supports this conscious approach by giving form to it as a caring platform around a “matter of scale” by connecting the multiple actors across multiple scales and making the tensions between scales constructive. In the discussion, we present the learnings of the design process and the challenges that we encountered.


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