
How do you imagine alternatives if you either don’t have the space for it, or are being restrained from imagining? Faraoyść - the shared emoLon of joy liberated from systems of oppression, which creates a portal towards possible new realiLes - is a method that facilitates the imaginaLon of alternaLves to our current reality currently determined by what is known, what is assumed, and what stops one from imagining. We created and developed tools to culLvate and evoke faraoyść that involved poetry wriLng, culturally-specific storytelling, music, co-design, and the acLon of naming the self and objects. These tools resulted in a collecLve emoLonal intelligence and emergent worldbuilding that helped parLcipants materialize speculaLve objects and co-create stories. As researchers, our tools were developed through our design principles which require being invited by a community seeking to unlock their capacity to imagine alternaLves, and co-designing with them. Faraoyść aims to empower, and gives specific tools for those who search for new ones. These methods co-create concrete utopias that are rooted in historically situated struggles, and are done through the lens of serious play. We share our process of developing these tools and methods in constant conversant collaboraLon around a roundtable.


Faraoyść, alternative worldbuilding, speculative design, imagining

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License


Jul 22nd, 9:00 AM

The Tools and Methods towards Liberatory Joy - Research Through Faraoyść

How do you imagine alternatives if you either don’t have the space for it, or are being restrained from imagining? Faraoyść - the shared emoLon of joy liberated from systems of oppression, which creates a portal towards possible new realiLes - is a method that facilitates the imaginaLon of alternaLves to our current reality currently determined by what is known, what is assumed, and what stops one from imagining. We created and developed tools to culLvate and evoke faraoyść that involved poetry wriLng, culturally-specific storytelling, music, co-design, and the acLon of naming the self and objects. These tools resulted in a collecLve emoLonal intelligence and emergent worldbuilding that helped parLcipants materialize speculaLve objects and co-create stories. As researchers, our tools were developed through our design principles which require being invited by a community seeking to unlock their capacity to imagine alternaLves, and co-designing with them. Faraoyść aims to empower, and gives specific tools for those who search for new ones. These methods co-create concrete utopias that are rooted in historically situated struggles, and are done through the lens of serious play. We share our process of developing these tools and methods in constant conversant collaboraLon around a roundtable.


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