Proceedings of DRS2018 International Conference, Vol. 7: Design as a catalyst for change
Cristiano Storni, Keelin Leahy, Muireann McMahon, Peter Lloyd, and Erik Bohemia
A catalyst is something that precipitates events; it is the coming together of different entities to generate something new; it is the spark for wider change. Framed by the Catalyst theme, these proceedings explore existing and emergent areas at the intersections of design research, practice, education and policy.
Proceedings of the Design Research Society Learn X Design Conference, 2017: The Allure of the Digital and Beyond
Gary Pritchard and Nick Lambert
The Conference was held in London at Ravensbourne on the Greenwich Peninsula. It brought together researchers and practitioners with an international reach and from a wide variety of education design settings with the intention of connecting emergent models and ideas around the digital, with the scholarship of teaching and learning. We also looked to issues beyond the attraction of the digital in learning: other ways of acting, knowing and becoming in design – in the full range of educational settings from kindergarten to PhD.
Proceedings of DRS2016 International Conference, Vol. 10: Future–Focused Thinking
Peter Lloyd and Erik Bohemia
The underlying premise was that 50 years of design research has provided us with a sound understanding of design and a solid foundation upon which to build. The interesting questions, then, appeared to us as not so much how we do more of the same – though that of course has its place – but in how we use what we now know. Hence the three broad questions that the papers in these conference proceedings respond to: How can design research help frame and address the societal problems that face us? How can design research be a creative and active force for rethinking ideas about Design? How can design research shape our lives in more responsible, meaningful, and open ways?
Proceedings of DRS2016 International Conference, Vol. 1: Future–Focused Thinking
Peter Lloyd and Erik Bohemia
The underlying premise was that 50 years of design research has provided us with a sound understanding of design and a solid foundation upon which to build. The interesting questions, then, appeared to us as not so much how we do more of the same – though that of course has its place – but in how we use what we now know. Hence the three broad questions that the papers in these conference proceedings respond to: How can design research help frame and address the societal problems that face us? How can design research be a creative and active force for rethinking ideas about Design? How can design research shape our lives in more responsible, meaningful, and open ways?
Proceedings of DRS2016 International Conference, Vol. 2: Future–Focused Thinking
Peter Lloyd and Erik Bohemia
The underlying premise was that 50 years of design research has provided us with a sound understanding of design and a solid foundation upon which to build. The interesting questions, then, appeared to us as not so much how we do more of the same – though that of course has its place – but in how we use what we now know. Hence the three broad questions that the papers in these conference proceedings respond to: How can design research help frame and address the societal problems that face us? How can design research be a creative and active force for rethinking ideas about Design? How can design research shape our lives in more responsible, meaningful, and open ways?
Proceedings of DRS2016 International Conference, Vol. 3: Future–Focused Thinking
Peter Lloyd and Erik Bohemia
The underlying premise was that 50 years of design research has provided us with a sound understanding of design and a solid foundation upon which to build. The interesting questions, then, appeared to us as not so much how we do more of the same – though that of course has its place – but in how we use what we now know. Hence the three broad questions that the papers in these conference proceedings respond to: How can design research help frame and address the societal problems that face us? How can design research be a creative and active force for rethinking ideas about Design? How can design research shape our lives in more responsible, meaningful, and open ways?
Proceedings of DRS2016 International Conference, Vol. 4: Future–Focused Thinking
Peter Lloyd and Erik Bohemia
The underlying premise was that 50 years of design research has provided us with a sound understanding of design and a solid foundation upon which to build. The interesting questions, then, appeared to us as not so much how we do more of the same – though that of course has its place – but in how we use what we now know. Hence the three broad questions that the papers in these conference proceedings respond to: How can design research help frame and address the societal problems that face us? How can design research be a creative and active force for rethinking ideas about Design? How can design research shape our lives in more responsible, meaningful, and open ways?
Proceedings of DRS2016 International Conference, Vol. 5: Future–Focused Thinking
Peter Lloyd and Erik Bohemia
The underlying premise was that 50 years of design research has provided us with a sound understanding of design and a solid foundation upon which to build. The interesting questions, then, appeared to us as not so much how we do more of the same – though that of course has its place – but in how we use what we now know. Hence the three broad questions that the papers in these conference proceedings respond to: How can design research help frame and address the societal problems that face us? How can design research be a creative and active force for rethinking ideas about Design? How can design research shape our lives in more responsible, meaningful, and open ways?
Proceedings of DRS2016 International Conference, Vol. 6: Future–Focused Thinking
Peter Lloyd and Erik Bohemia
The underlying premise was that 50 years of design research has provided us with a sound understanding of design and a solid foundation upon which to build. The interesting questions, then, appeared to us as not so much how we do more of the same – though that of course has its place – but in how we use what we now know. Hence the three broad questions that the papers in these conference proceedings respond to: How can design research help frame and address the societal problems that face us? How can design research be a creative and active force for rethinking ideas about Design? How can design research shape our lives in more responsible, meaningful, and open ways?
Proceedings of DRS2016 International Conference, Vol. 7: Future–Focused Thinking
Peter Lloyd and Erik Bohemia
The underlying premise was that 50 years of design research has provided us with a sound understanding of design and a solid foundation upon which to build. The interesting questions, then, appeared to us as not so much how we do more of the same – though that of course has its place – but in how we use what we now know. Hence the three broad questions that the papers in these conference proceedings respond to: How can design research help frame and address the societal problems that face us? How can design research be a creative and active force for rethinking ideas about Design? How can design research shape our lives in more responsible, meaningful, and open ways?
Proceedings of DRS2016 International Conference, Vol. 8: Future–Focused Thinking
Peter Lloyd and Erik Bohemia
The underlying premise was that 50 years of design research has provided us with a sound understanding of design and a solid foundation upon which to build. The interesting questions, then, appeared to us as not so much how we do more of the same – though that of course has its place – but in how we use what we now know. Hence the three broad questions that the papers in these conference proceedings respond to: How can design research help frame and address the societal problems that face us? How can design research be a creative and active force for rethinking ideas about Design? How can design research shape our lives in more responsible, meaningful, and open ways?
Proceedings of DRS2016 International Conference, Vol. 9: Future–Focused Thinking
Peter Lloyd and Erik Bohemia
The underlying premise was that 50 years of design research has provided us with a sound understanding of design and a solid foundation upon which to build. The interesting questions, then, appeared to us as not so much how we do more of the same – though that of course has its place – but in how we use what we now know. Hence the three broad questions that the papers in these conference proceedings respond to: How can design research help frame and address the societal problems that face us? How can design research be a creative and active force for rethinking ideas about Design? How can design research shape our lives in more responsible, meaningful, and open ways?
LearnxDesign 2015 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference for Design Education Researchers, Vol.1
Robin Vande Zande, Erik Bohemia, and Ingvild Digranes
Design in Kindergarten Through Higher Education. The conference was graciously hosted by the School of the Art Institute in Chicago. Highlighted at the heart of the conference were varied presentations and workshops. To prepare for the conference, we asked design researchers to submit their work for consideration. Scholars proposed 289 paper abstract, 31 workshop and 2 symposia submissions. The International Scientific Review Committee invited 243 paper abstract submissions to proceed into the next stage to submit as full papers. After double blind full paper review by the International Review Board, 106 full papers were accepted to be included in the conference proceedings with an additional 23 workshops and 1 symposia delivered at the conference.
LearnxDesign 2015 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference for Design Education Researchers, Vol.2
Robin Vande Zande, Erik Bohemia, and Ingvild Digranes
Design in Kindergarten Through Higher Education. The conference was graciously hosted by the School of the Art Institute in Chicago. Highlighted at the heart of the conference were varied presentations and workshops. To prepare for the conference, we asked design researchers to submit their work for consideration. Scholars proposed 289 paper abstract, 31 workshop and 2 symposia submissions. The International Scientific Review Committee invited 243 paper abstract submissions to proceed into the next stage to submit as full papers. After double blind full paper review by the International Review Board, 106 full papers were accepted to be included in the conference proceedings with an additional 23 workshops and 1 symposia delivered at the conference.
LearnxDesign 2015 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference for Design Education Researchers, Vol.3
Robin Vande Zande, Erik Bohemia, and Ingvild Digranes
Design in Kindergarten Through Higher Education. The conference was graciously hosted by the School of the Art Institute in Chicago. Highlighted at the heart of the conference were varied presentations and workshops. To prepare for the conference, we asked design researchers to submit their work for consideration. Scholars proposed 289 paper abstract, 31 workshop and 2 symposia submissions. The International Scientific Review Committee invited 243 paper abstract submissions to proceed into the next stage to submit as full papers. After double blind full paper review by the International Review Board, 106 full papers were accepted to be included in the conference proceedings with an additional 23 workshops and 1 symposia delivered at the conference.
LearnxDesign 2015 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference for Design Education Researchers, Vol.4
Robin Vande Zande, Erik Bohemia, and Ingvild Digranes
Design in Kindergarten Through Higher Education. The conference was graciously hosted by the School of the Art Institute in Chicago. Highlighted at the heart of the conference were varied presentations and workshops. To prepare for the conference, we asked design researchers to submit their work for consideration. Scholars proposed 289 paper abstract, 31 workshop and 2 symposia submissions. The International Scientific Review Committee invited 243 paper abstract submissions to proceed into the next stage to submit as full papers. After double blind full paper review by the International Review Board, 106 full papers were accepted to be included in the conference proceedings with an additional 23 workshops and 1 symposia delivered at the conference.
Proceedings of DRS2014 International Conference: Design’s Big Debates
Youn-kyung Lim, Kristina Niedderer, Johan Redström, Erik Stolterman, and Anna Valtonen
The main purpose of the DRS 2014 conference is to foster and support a shared design discourse. By focusing on key big issues in design, the conference seeks to create a forum where the questions that have the potential to change the way we think and do design -its philosophy, theory, practise, methodology, education, profession and history - will be discussed and debated.
DRS Cumulus Oslo 2013 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers, Vol.1
Janne Beate Reitan, Peter Lloyd, Erik Bohemia, Liv Merete Nielsen, Ingvild Digranes, and Eva Lutnæs
Design Learning for Tomorrow – Design Education from Kindergarten to PhD. The 2nd international conference for design education researchers in Oslo May 14–17, 2013. Researchers from more than 74 universities have undertaken a rigorous double blind review process used to select papers for inclusion in these conference proceedings. We received 225 full papers and of these 165 were selected and included in the conference proceedings and presented at the conference.
DRS Cumulus Oslo 2013 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers, Vol.2
Janne Beate Reitan, Peter Lloyd, Erik Bohemia, Liv Merete Nielsen, Ingvild Digranes, and Eva Lutnæs
Design Learning for Tomorrow – Design Education from Kindergarten to PhD. The 2nd international conference for design education researchers in Oslo May 14–17, 2013. Researchers from more than 74 universities have undertaken a rigorous double blind review process used to select papers for inclusion in these conference proceedings. We received 225 full papers and of these 165 were selected and included in the conference proceedings and presented at the conference.
DRS Cumulus Oslo 2013 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers, Vol.3
Janne Beate Reitan, Peter Lloyd, Erik Bohemia, Liv Merete Nielsen, Ingvild Digranes, and Eva Lutnæs
Design Learning for Tomorrow – Design Education from Kindergarten to PhD. The 2nd international conference for design education researchers in Oslo May 14–17, 2013. Researchers from more than 74 universities have undertaken a rigorous double blind review process used to select papers for inclusion in these conference proceedings. We received 225 full papers and of these 165 were selected and included in the conference proceedings and presented at the conference.
DRS Cumulus Oslo 2013 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers, Vol.4
Janne Beate Reitan, Peter Lloyd, Erik Bohemia, Liv Merete Nielsen, Ingvild Digranes, and Eva Lutnæs
Design Learning for Tomorrow – Design Education from Kindergarten to PhD. The 2nd international conference for design education researchers in Oslo May 14–17, 2013. Researchers from more than 74 universities have undertaken a rigorous double blind review process used to select papers for inclusion in these conference proceedings. We received 225 full papers and of these 165 were selected and included in the conference proceedings and presented at the conference.
Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference, 2012. Vol. 1: Re-Search - uncertainty, contradiction and value
Praima Israsena, Juthamas Tangsantikul, and David Durling
The proceedings of the 2012 Design Research Society International Conference hosted by Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. Submissions covered extensive themes and emerging research that is broad in scope and depth, submitted with the conference theme of Re-Search: uncertainty, contradiction and value, in mind. The initial abstract submission was high with approximately 550 initial abstracts submitted. Of the 288 full papers submitted, 183 papers were accepted and of these 154 papers were presented at the conference along with an additional 23 poster presentations.
Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference, 2012. Vol. 2: Re-Search - uncertainty, contradiction and value
Praima Israsena, Juthamas Tangsantikul, and David Durling
The proceedings of the 2012 Design Research Society International Conference hosted by Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. Submissions covered extensive themes and emerging research that is broad in scope and depth, submitted with the conference theme of Re-Search: uncertainty, contradiction and value, in mind. The initial abstract submission was high with approximately 550 initial abstracts submitted. Of the 288 full papers submitted, 183 papers were accepted and of these 154 papers were presented at the conference along with an additional 23 poster presentations.
Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference, 2012. Vol. 3: Re-Search - uncertainty, contradiction and value
Praima Israsena, Juthamas Tangsantikul, and David Durling
The proceedings of the 2012 Design Research Society International Conference hosted by Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. Submissions covered extensive themes and emerging research that is broad in scope and depth, submitted with the conference theme of Re-Search: uncertainty, contradiction and value, in mind. The initial abstract submission was high with approximately 550 initial abstracts submitted. Of the 288 full papers submitted, 183 papers were accepted and of these 154 papers were presented at the conference along with an additional 23 poster presentations.
Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference, 2012. Vol. 4: Re-Search - uncertainty, contradiction and value
Praima Israsena, Juthamas Tangsantikul, and David Durling
The proceedings of the 2012 Design Research Society International Conference hosted by Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. Submissions covered extensive themes and emerging research that is broad in scope and depth, submitted with the conference theme of Re-Search: uncertainty, contradiction and value, in mind. The initial abstract submission was high with approximately 550 initial abstracts submitted. Of the 288 full papers submitted, 183 papers were accepted and of these 154 papers were presented at the conference along with an additional 23 poster presentations.
The Design Research Society has been publishing bound volumes of its conferences since 1971, collecting together an historic record of the development of design research and design thinking.
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