This recording and transcript are from summarising remarks given by Prof. John Page of Sheffield University at the 1962 Conference on Design Methods. The text of Page's summary can be found in the conference proceedings p.217.
The recording beings at 00.25 where it captures the end of a paper presentation which ends at 08.21. Page's remarks begin at 08.30 and discussion resumes at 14.08.
Publication Date
design research, drs, design research society
Transcription Note
These transcripts have been created using AI and edited by hand. Due to the quality of the recording, there are areas where speech is unintelligible. These areas have been indicated using brackets and a question mark [as in this example?] and/or by yellow highlighting. If you notice an error in the transcript you would like to correct, please contact us at
Please note that for paper presentations, only the presentations have been transcribed, though the recording contains discussion following the presentation.
Page, J. (eds.) (1962) Recording: A Review of the Papers presented at the 1962 Conference