As the world becomes increasingly complex, from both a technological perspective and a sociocultural perspective, we need to adapt our problem solving and design capacity to match these changes. This paper will compare aspects of TRIZ and the emergent Frame Creation methodology as examples of design-based problem solving methodologies for resolving technical and sociocultural problems. We argue that while on the surface TRIZ and Frame Creation merely appear to diverge, a close analysis reveals noteworthy similarities, such as the drawing upon core attributes of the problem situation and building up a solution frame from first principles. We then introduce the latent thematic analysis methodology as a common ground that can lead to a possible blending of the two.
technological change; frame creation; TRIZ; Latent Thematic Analysis
Kokotovich, V., and Dorst, K. (2016) Blending Hard and Soft Design via Thematic Analysi, in Lloyd, P. and Bohemia, E. (eds.), Future Focused Thinking - DRS International Conference 2016, 27 - 30 June, Brighton, United Kingdom. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2016.280
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Blending Hard and Soft Design via Thematic Analysi
As the world becomes increasingly complex, from both a technological perspective and a sociocultural perspective, we need to adapt our problem solving and design capacity to match these changes. This paper will compare aspects of TRIZ and the emergent Frame Creation methodology as examples of design-based problem solving methodologies for resolving technical and sociocultural problems. We argue that while on the surface TRIZ and Frame Creation merely appear to diverge, a close analysis reveals noteworthy similarities, such as the drawing upon core attributes of the problem situation and building up a solution frame from first principles. We then introduce the latent thematic analysis methodology as a common ground that can lead to a possible blending of the two.