This paper describes how organizations can be supported with design tools through their transformation towards becoming more user-centred. Existing business model tools are starting points and extended through a design perspective, which allows additional flexibility and user-focus within an ongoing continuous change process. In this sense, the tools act as boundary objects facilitating stakeholder collaboration by creating a common understanding, a shared vision and values translated into actionable insights. The designed toolkit was developed using three design iterations and identifies three key levels of activities needed: on the organizational, customer and empathy level. Each level has its own perspective, involvement and actions. Findings indicate that the designed tool may indeed assist organisations in describing, discovering and developing improved customer relationships with cards and turn them into actions in a organizational context. The card-based approach with keywords and images offers an open-structured way in the modelling process to design tangible user-centred solutions. The paper reflects upon design-decisions in exploring this developed toolkit and suggests further research on usage areas, trials with companies and toolkit usability.
user-centred; organisational change; transformation; toolkit; co-creation.
Kaland, L., and de Lille, C. (2016) Becoming a More User-Centred Organization: A Design Tool to Support Transformation, in Lloyd, P. and Bohemia, E. (eds.), Future Focused Thinking - DRS International Conference 2016, 27 - 30 June, Brighton, United Kingdom. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2016.352
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Becoming a More User-Centred Organization: A Design Tool to Support Transformation
This paper describes how organizations can be supported with design tools through their transformation towards becoming more user-centred. Existing business model tools are starting points and extended through a design perspective, which allows additional flexibility and user-focus within an ongoing continuous change process. In this sense, the tools act as boundary objects facilitating stakeholder collaboration by creating a common understanding, a shared vision and values translated into actionable insights. The designed toolkit was developed using three design iterations and identifies three key levels of activities needed: on the organizational, customer and empathy level. Each level has its own perspective, involvement and actions. Findings indicate that the designed tool may indeed assist organisations in describing, discovering and developing improved customer relationships with cards and turn them into actions in a organizational context. The card-based approach with keywords and images offers an open-structured way in the modelling process to design tangible user-centred solutions. The paper reflects upon design-decisions in exploring this developed toolkit and suggests further research on usage areas, trials with companies and toolkit usability.