
In a context where Dynamic Visual Identities (DVIs) are becoming increasingly widespread, this contribution aims to explore their potential from a social perspective. The focus is shifted from the characteristics and mechanisms for regulating variability to their ability to produce a positive impact and build value in a community context, fostering inclusion, relations, involvement, and participation. The presentation of the case study Milano 0.18 provides an example of a Visual Identity System that draws on dynamic features, generativity and participation, to operate simultaneously on multiple levels, representing and valuing the individual, the community, and society. The aim is to foster reflection on the tools and methods to create social value through a Visual Identity project, both in terms of the design process and its outcomes.


dynamic visual identity, communication design, social design, community engagement

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track



Oct 9th, 9:00 AM

Community voices in visual identity. A reflection on the social significance of dynamism in Visual Identity Design

In a context where Dynamic Visual Identities (DVIs) are becoming increasingly widespread, this contribution aims to explore their potential from a social perspective. The focus is shifted from the characteristics and mechanisms for regulating variability to their ability to produce a positive impact and build value in a community context, fostering inclusion, relations, involvement, and participation. The presentation of the case study Milano 0.18 provides an example of a Visual Identity System that draws on dynamic features, generativity and participation, to operate simultaneously on multiple levels, representing and valuing the individual, the community, and society. The aim is to foster reflection on the tools and methods to create social value through a Visual Identity project, both in terms of the design process and its outcomes.


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