
This track aims to delve into and extend an ongoing discourse concerning the interplay between spatial and service design, to foster a coordinated approach to designing spaces and delivering services as a single entity. The exploration revolves around how the coordinated approach in the design of spaces, interiors, and services is shaping the evolution of our modern lifestyle within intricate urban landscapes. This relation integrated into the design process facilitates the harmonization of functions, incites creative initiatives, amplifies public involvement, ensures inclusivity and diversity, and influences the behaviours occurring within a space. This topic has provided a platform for formulating theories, methodologies, and integrated design projects where spaces act as catalysts for reshaping contemporary services, while services facilitate the emergence of innovative spatial prototypes. The article investigates a range of studies and contemplations that delve into design interventions at micro, meso, and macro scales.


spaces, services, spatial design, service design

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track



Oct 9th, 9:00 AM

[Changing] Spaces and services

This track aims to delve into and extend an ongoing discourse concerning the interplay between spatial and service design, to foster a coordinated approach to designing spaces and delivering services as a single entity. The exploration revolves around how the coordinated approach in the design of spaces, interiors, and services is shaping the evolution of our modern lifestyle within intricate urban landscapes. This relation integrated into the design process facilitates the harmonization of functions, incites creative initiatives, amplifies public involvement, ensures inclusivity and diversity, and influences the behaviours occurring within a space. This topic has provided a platform for formulating theories, methodologies, and integrated design projects where spaces act as catalysts for reshaping contemporary services, while services facilitate the emergence of innovative spatial prototypes. The article investigates a range of studies and contemplations that delve into design interventions at micro, meso, and macro scales.


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