
The paper explores relevant themes for design research that arose from research works proposed for IASDR2023 and developed by doctoral candidates and recent master's degree graduates. Particular attention has been paid to research investigations that reflect on the theme of Life-Changing Design, specifically examining how design is responding to the transformations occurring in the contemporary period. Reflections on the soft impact of technologies, in particular digital technologies, on daily life are accompanied by an analysis of innovations and challenges faced by healthcare systems, products, and services. This is followed by an examination of social innovation themes and practices, and the development of new principles of inclusity. A concluding contribution highlights the requirement to identify innovative approaches to design education extending beyond recognized methodologies to implement personal and technical skills of new generations of designers.


doctoral research; design education; research methodologies; design practices

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track



Oct 9th, 9:00 AM

Designing innovative research pathways for the advancement of design research: IASDR 2023 Doctoral and postgraduate consortium

The paper explores relevant themes for design research that arose from research works proposed for IASDR2023 and developed by doctoral candidates and recent master's degree graduates. Particular attention has been paid to research investigations that reflect on the theme of Life-Changing Design, specifically examining how design is responding to the transformations occurring in the contemporary period. Reflections on the soft impact of technologies, in particular digital technologies, on daily life are accompanied by an analysis of innovations and challenges faced by healthcare systems, products, and services. This is followed by an examination of social innovation themes and practices, and the development of new principles of inclusity. A concluding contribution highlights the requirement to identify innovative approaches to design education extending beyond recognized methodologies to implement personal and technical skills of new generations of designers.


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