
In today's fast-changing world, the design field has expanded to encompass many dimensions and applications. Starting with an analysis of the short papers proposed in the context of the IASDR 2023 conference, this essay delves into the fascinating range of topics, approaches, and formats covered and presented. This analysis has shed light on the different aspects of design research and innovation that drive progress in various design-related sectors. These papers collectively underscore the multidisciplinary and transformative nature of contemporary design research, demonstrating how innovation in technology and design, coupled with attention to social concerns and education, can shape a brighter and more sustainable future. Specifically, this essay discusses the evidence emerging from the current changes in design research, including its contents, research actions, and methods of dissemination, from the point of view of young researchers (Ph.D. candidates and junior researchers in academia). The results present not only a change in design research contents – emerging from the broad range of short paper topics featured in each conference track – but also a tendency to adopt emerging and engaging formats for research dissemination (short papers, posters, exhibitions, podcasts, etc). They underline the importance of exploring different dimensions of research and dissemination of design and innovation that are consistent with our changing world.


Dissemination, Design Research, New Frontiers, Short Papers, Research Conference

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track



Oct 9th, 9:00 AM

Exploring diverse dimensions of design research and innovation in the changing world

In today's fast-changing world, the design field has expanded to encompass many dimensions and applications. Starting with an analysis of the short papers proposed in the context of the IASDR 2023 conference, this essay delves into the fascinating range of topics, approaches, and formats covered and presented. This analysis has shed light on the different aspects of design research and innovation that drive progress in various design-related sectors. These papers collectively underscore the multidisciplinary and transformative nature of contemporary design research, demonstrating how innovation in technology and design, coupled with attention to social concerns and education, can shape a brighter and more sustainable future. Specifically, this essay discusses the evidence emerging from the current changes in design research, including its contents, research actions, and methods of dissemination, from the point of view of young researchers (Ph.D. candidates and junior researchers in academia). The results present not only a change in design research contents – emerging from the broad range of short paper topics featured in each conference track – but also a tendency to adopt emerging and engaging formats for research dissemination (short papers, posters, exhibitions, podcasts, etc). They underline the importance of exploring different dimensions of research and dissemination of design and innovation that are consistent with our changing world.


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