One of the challenges of teaching museums and exhibitions courses is that the lecturer has to both teach a theoretical curriculum and organize field trips. The aim is to make the student practice museum education as a model of communication-educational patterns, and recognizes the importance of art exhibitions in developing creativity within the curriculum of a bachelor stage of art education in Egypt. However, the course includes a large amount of knowledge, such as types of museums and the nature of art exhibitions, as well as the importance of museums, in addition to the practical portion, which includes the design and implementation of programs, activities, and workshops in museums; however, it is not allocated in the schedule. On the other hand, two hours per week for the course is not enough to teach the curriculum in a balanced manner. E-learning features a maximum utilization of time, reduces the workload at the university, and increases the students’ understanding of the content, allowing them to make more field trips throughout the duration of the course). Consequently, the researcher designed an approach for this course that depends on blended learning through sessions using the Internet. The designed course will rely on specialized teamwork and a group of programs, such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Flash, RealPlayer, and Excel.
E-learning, Museums, Exhibitions
Zaki, D.(2013) E-learning as a balanced way of teaching museums and exhibitions to provide both theoretical and practical education, in Reitan, J.B., Lloyd, P., Bohemia, E., Nielsen, L.M., Digranes, I., & Lutnæs, E. (eds.), DRS // Cumulus: Design Learning for Tomorrow, 14-17 May, Oslo, Norway. https://doi.org/10.21606/learnxdesign.2013.167
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E-learning as a balanced way of teaching museums and exhibitions to provide both theoretical and practical education
One of the challenges of teaching museums and exhibitions courses is that the lecturer has to both teach a theoretical curriculum and organize field trips. The aim is to make the student practice museum education as a model of communication-educational patterns, and recognizes the importance of art exhibitions in developing creativity within the curriculum of a bachelor stage of art education in Egypt. However, the course includes a large amount of knowledge, such as types of museums and the nature of art exhibitions, as well as the importance of museums, in addition to the practical portion, which includes the design and implementation of programs, activities, and workshops in museums; however, it is not allocated in the schedule. On the other hand, two hours per week for the course is not enough to teach the curriculum in a balanced manner. E-learning features a maximum utilization of time, reduces the workload at the university, and increases the students’ understanding of the content, allowing them to make more field trips throughout the duration of the course). Consequently, the researcher designed an approach for this course that depends on blended learning through sessions using the Internet. The designed course will rely on specialized teamwork and a group of programs, such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Flash, RealPlayer, and Excel.