The paper discusses the evaluation of a master’s degree in design and communication in Spain, and the impact of the evaluation on the development for future of the programme. Five years ago the first Master’s Degree in Design and Communication (MUDIC) started at the Elisava design school in Barcelona. The social, labour, economic and academic situation has changed not only in our country but in many of those from where we receive our students. The premises with which the MUDIC was built must therefore be subject to revision. Now, half a decade later, the list of competencies sounds out of date, lacking in practical sense. The objectives, talking in academic terms, have moved into the background and the master has focused on completely reconsidering the basic and the specific competencies. Both answer the question: In what do the students should be competent in the end? The master therefore continuously has considered the multiple changing realities of the present situation and to combine them with the determinations of the didactic specialists, the pedagogues. The challenges have been distinguished by blocks coinciding with the phases before, during, or after the master’s degree. A quinquennial review by the education quality agency will take place this year.
New strategies in design and communication, Master’s degree in Spain, Official Master’s degree, Design education in Spain.
Arrausi, J.(2013) New challenges, new strategies in research applied to design and communication, in Reitan, J.B., Lloyd, P., Bohemia, E., Nielsen, L.M., Digranes, I., & Lutnæs, E. (eds.), DRS // Cumulus: Design Learning for Tomorrow, 14-17 May, Oslo, Norway. https://doi.org/10.21606/learnxdesign.2013.004
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New challenges, new strategies in research applied to design and communication
The paper discusses the evaluation of a master’s degree in design and communication in Spain, and the impact of the evaluation on the development for future of the programme. Five years ago the first Master’s Degree in Design and Communication (MUDIC) started at the Elisava design school in Barcelona. The social, labour, economic and academic situation has changed not only in our country but in many of those from where we receive our students. The premises with which the MUDIC was built must therefore be subject to revision. Now, half a decade later, the list of competencies sounds out of date, lacking in practical sense. The objectives, talking in academic terms, have moved into the background and the master has focused on completely reconsidering the basic and the specific competencies. Both answer the question: In what do the students should be competent in the end? The master therefore continuously has considered the multiple changing realities of the present situation and to combine them with the determinations of the didactic specialists, the pedagogues. The challenges have been distinguished by blocks coinciding with the phases before, during, or after the master’s degree. A quinquennial review by the education quality agency will take place this year.