Graphic Design is an aggregative art and has a huge function in its international field. But, in Iran there isn’t any correct understanding of that because the different branches of this amazing art has not separately been defined and utilized to make the people see and receive its effect in their life environments. The graphic designer has to be like a working machine and does work in all of the branches alone to propound the functions in society. Although the designer knows all of these branches, such as designing a logo, they are not supposed to be included in her work experience, because each of those requires academic professional experience. On the other hand, the communications has taken a special new form these days and although the Iranian designers haven’t still reached such technical development in the framework of graphic design profession, they have to follow the global direction anduse digital technology but, the presence of digital technology has forced them to almost quit working with the previous tools and equip themselves to this new one, because the mentioned presence has been put into work before creating a suitable ground of acceptance for it. This occurrence has made the situation worse. Old hand designers have lost their jobs and even though just a few of them could have learnt skills in this regard, the power of computer is completely at the hands of young generation. According to my research, some solutions can be offered for this problem.
Communication, Environment, Graphic Design, Iran
Foladi, B.(2013) Development and pathology of Graphic Design in Iran, in Reitan, J.B., Lloyd, P., Bohemia, E., Nielsen, L.M., Digranes, I., & Lutnæs, E. (eds.), DRS // Cumulus: Design Learning for Tomorrow, 14-17 May, Oslo, Norway. https://doi.org/10.21606/learnxdesign.2013.047
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Development and pathology of Graphic Design in Iran
Graphic Design is an aggregative art and has a huge function in its international field. But, in Iran there isn’t any correct understanding of that because the different branches of this amazing art has not separately been defined and utilized to make the people see and receive its effect in their life environments. The graphic designer has to be like a working machine and does work in all of the branches alone to propound the functions in society. Although the designer knows all of these branches, such as designing a logo, they are not supposed to be included in her work experience, because each of those requires academic professional experience. On the other hand, the communications has taken a special new form these days and although the Iranian designers haven’t still reached such technical development in the framework of graphic design profession, they have to follow the global direction anduse digital technology but, the presence of digital technology has forced them to almost quit working with the previous tools and equip themselves to this new one, because the mentioned presence has been put into work before creating a suitable ground of acceptance for it. This occurrence has made the situation worse. Old hand designers have lost their jobs and even though just a few of them could have learnt skills in this regard, the power of computer is completely at the hands of young generation. According to my research, some solutions can be offered for this problem.