Design thinking programs for innovation in accordance to a servicedominant logic (S-D logic) in co-creation with stakeholders is often described in the literature as an adequate procedure for added value and sustainability (Vargo & Webster, 2011; Mateus & Rosa, 2011; Ostrom et al., 2010; Brown, 2009; Vargo & Lusch, 2004, 2006, 2008a, 2008b). However, it seems to be absent from research robust validation methodologies. This article describes an empirically developed methodology for validation of design thinking Ideas(R) Evolution methodology applied to a User Centered Open Innovation Program for a more efficient behavior consumption of home energy. This program was developed within the framework of seven sequential workshops with a fixed panel of stakeholders (clients, community opinion leaders, suppliers, company decision makers and experts) at the University of Évora in 2012, in Portugal. The methodological validation of the innovation program was based on quali-quanti methods, and applied through a longitudinal design by a set of self-administered instruments that diachronically collect the emotional and cognitive quantitative and qualitative measurements of the workshops. The results demonstrated that the methodological approach essayed is parsimonious, reliable and generalizable for future use, and adds accuracy to Ideas(R)Evolution methodology.
Branding, open innovation, value co-creation, creative intelligence, design thinking, service-dominant logic, validation methodologies
Mateus, A., Loureiro, A., Alves Rosa, C.,and Leonor, S.(2013) A methodology for appraisal and validation of User Centered Open Innovation Programs: a case study critical analysis of an energy supplier co-creative innovation program, in Reitan, J.B., Lloyd, P., Bohemia, E., Nielsen, L.M., Digranes, I., & Lutnæs, E. (eds.), DRS // Cumulus: Design Learning for Tomorrow, 14-17 May, Oslo, Norway. https://doi.org/10.21606/learnxdesign.2013.091
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
A methodology for appraisal and validation of User Centered Open Innovation Programs: a case study critical analysis of an energy supplier co-creative innovation program
Design thinking programs for innovation in accordance to a servicedominant logic (S-D logic) in co-creation with stakeholders is often described in the literature as an adequate procedure for added value and sustainability (Vargo & Webster, 2011; Mateus & Rosa, 2011; Ostrom et al., 2010; Brown, 2009; Vargo & Lusch, 2004, 2006, 2008a, 2008b). However, it seems to be absent from research robust validation methodologies. This article describes an empirically developed methodology for validation of design thinking Ideas(R) Evolution methodology applied to a User Centered Open Innovation Program for a more efficient behavior consumption of home energy. This program was developed within the framework of seven sequential workshops with a fixed panel of stakeholders (clients, community opinion leaders, suppliers, company decision makers and experts) at the University of Évora in 2012, in Portugal. The methodological validation of the innovation program was based on quali-quanti methods, and applied through a longitudinal design by a set of self-administered instruments that diachronically collect the emotional and cognitive quantitative and qualitative measurements of the workshops. The results demonstrated that the methodological approach essayed is parsimonious, reliable and generalizable for future use, and adds accuracy to Ideas(R)Evolution methodology.