When discussing future education, we tend to focus discussions on defining future competen-cies on preparing students for an ever-changing labour market with job titles we cannot yet imag-ine. However, we often fail to recognise that our students, for years, have faced an extremely high degree of mental challenges, which indicates a need not only for new initiatives, but for rad-ical transformations in education: initiatives that represent a humanistic and holistic view, com-bining a broad focus on education, including new knowledge, with a clear focus on students' well-being, and vitality. This paper describes Nordic life design, a learning concept rooted in de-sign theory and practice that integrates knowledge from cognition, creativity, design, and brain science. The intention is to educate students not only for working life in a complex and ever-changing world, but for life in general. This paper details examples of incorporating Nordic life design in the higher education curriculum.
future education, paradigmatic shift, values, reframing, life design attitude
Sorensen, K.B.(2021) Nordic life design: A holistic design approach and attitude to life, in Bohemia, E., Nielsen, L.M., Pan, L., Börekçi, N.A.G.Z., Zhang, Y. (eds.), Learn X Design 2021: Engaging with challenges in design education, 24-26 September, Shandong University of Art & Design, Jinan, China. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs_lxd2021.07.281
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Nordic life design: A holistic design approach and attitude to life
When discussing future education, we tend to focus discussions on defining future competen-cies on preparing students for an ever-changing labour market with job titles we cannot yet imag-ine. However, we often fail to recognise that our students, for years, have faced an extremely high degree of mental challenges, which indicates a need not only for new initiatives, but for rad-ical transformations in education: initiatives that represent a humanistic and holistic view, com-bining a broad focus on education, including new knowledge, with a clear focus on students' well-being, and vitality. This paper describes Nordic life design, a learning concept rooted in de-sign theory and practice that integrates knowledge from cognition, creativity, design, and brain science. The intention is to educate students not only for working life in a complex and ever-changing world, but for life in general. This paper details examples of incorporating Nordic life design in the higher education curriculum.