As the infotainment system in cars has advanced, drivers now receive a wide range of information from agents while driving. However, despite the diversity of roles and types of information, the embodiment of the agent delivering the information remains unified. Therefore, we sought to understand the needs for different types of information and their correlation with an embodiment. To achieve this, we created four embodiment prototypes within a car model ‘Sound without Visual Embodiment’, ‘Sound and (Abstract) Graphic Embodiment’, ‘Sound and (Characterized) Graphic Embodiment’, ‘Sound and (Characterized) Graphic and (Characterized) Physical Embodiment’ and conducted a user experience evaluation with 12 participants. Based on the type of information, we identified two types of needs which are attention level and urgency of delivery. Additionally, we determined the effects of warning, recommendation, and reference information for each embodiment. This paper aims to enhance the understanding of the diverse roles and effects of agent embodiment for in-car UX and to design agents' embodiments that meet the needs of information delivery.
Agent Embodiment, In-car Agent, Human-Car Interaction, Human-Agent Interaction
Ku, B., Cho, H.,and Nam, T.(2023) Understanding the relationship between in-car agent’s embodiments and information with different criticality, in De Sainz Molestina, D., Galluzzo, L., Rizzo, F., Spallazzo, D. (eds.), IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design, 9-13 October, Milan, Italy. https://doi.org/10.21606/iasdr.2023.579
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Understanding the relationship between in-car agent’s embodiments and information with different criticality
As the infotainment system in cars has advanced, drivers now receive a wide range of information from agents while driving. However, despite the diversity of roles and types of information, the embodiment of the agent delivering the information remains unified. Therefore, we sought to understand the needs for different types of information and their correlation with an embodiment. To achieve this, we created four embodiment prototypes within a car model ‘Sound without Visual Embodiment’, ‘Sound and (Abstract) Graphic Embodiment’, ‘Sound and (Characterized) Graphic Embodiment’, ‘Sound and (Characterized) Graphic and (Characterized) Physical Embodiment’ and conducted a user experience evaluation with 12 participants. Based on the type of information, we identified two types of needs which are attention level and urgency of delivery. Additionally, we determined the effects of warning, recommendation, and reference information for each embodiment. This paper aims to enhance the understanding of the diverse roles and effects of agent embodiment for in-car UX and to design agents' embodiments that meet the needs of information delivery.